Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Ministry connected to my schooling

The time has come. Less than 24 hours, I shall be in Trinidad. A good friend of mine, sent this passage from the bible to me today:
"Go forth from your country, and from your relatives and from your father's house, to the land which I will show you, I will make you a great  nation and I will bless you and make your name great" Genesis 12:1-2......
It reminds me of the purpose behind this trip and I ask the lord to equip me, directs my foot steps from beginning to end and that he allows me to see and feel as he would have me to. I pray that he will allow me to embrace any challenging task that may be assigned over the four months there. And after each assignment has been completed, he will seal them!
So, as you see this trip is more than just an MSW field placement. Its a ministry to me! That is why, I have to keep reminding myself, there is no need to worry about adjusting there because god will allow me to adapt with out any problems.
God has allowed both my ministry and schooling to connect together and that in itself is a blessing. I'm blessed to share this with my support system and family. And most importantly, my girls here in the states! May the children I've worked with here, realize how much world is out for grabs.....if they just go after it!
Continue to keep me lifted, and we will be in touch along this journey.

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