Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Expression of love

Week one has already approached, and my work load and projects are beginning to formulate. The other day, I was home sick. I was missing my girls at the group home in the states, my youth at church and my normal surroundings and daily life in the states. But I had to get myself out of that gear and remind myself, my presence is needed here. Probably for more than one reason! So, I had to spend time with myself and god, looking over the beautiful view of the mountains. This alone time allowed me to reflect and realize, there are so many people who would love to be in my shoes right now and be here.

While touring around the campus here, I approached this picture and it reminded me about a statement made to me, before departure "you have a heart of a missionary". I may not have the title "Missionary Marchman" but I know deep down, my heart for children pumps fast and I would go out of my way to save a child's life and show them, you are loved! I remember growing up not feeling loved and now to have the ability and passion to show children what love is.........goes deep beyond measure for me.
I know its no one but god, that allowed me to have such a passion and love for kids. I pray that the children at Saint Dominic's Home can see that and remember it!

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