Saturday, January 7, 2012

Planting those seeds

Its day three, since my arrival at Saint Dominic's Children's Home. The boys from Saint Joseph's Home have already warmed up to me. Before my arrival here, I already knew god would use up every once of my experience from the states here in Trinidad. And he has already begun! Over the past two nights, I have been supervising the boys. It wasn't a problem because it places me back into a comfort zone of knowing the "group home" dynamics. However, I have learned a few differences: one staff per home here verses two staff per shift in the states. And the amount of kids doesn't change anything. Like back home, I have to check the boys rooms through the night, to make sure everything is okay. The boys go to bed pretty late, but of course that's because they're still on Christmas holiday until Monday. They have been sitting up late with me, to talk about various subjects. During our conversations, one of the boys asked if I have any children and I told him no, but I work with alot of children back in the states and I call them "my kids". So one of the other boys said, "she works with us, so we are her kids". I was surprised by this statement because I have only been here for three days. But it brought a smile to my face, because god is already allowing me to plant seeds into their lives and I pray that seed will only grow and grow. Even after my time has finished here!

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