Sunday, January 15, 2012

Walking out your purpose

Often, when giving god thanks during the day, I have to say " thank you for the doors you've opened and closed for me".  Often we don't think about the meaning behind a closed door. For me, a close door represents my past and a open door represents my future. In order to take a step into the future, I most accept my past and embrace it. Once my past has been embraced, I can move forward and be used for gods purpose with a clear mind. Once this has been swallowed by man kind, we can step forward to transform other lives! 

I found myself wondering how my four months of being here at the Children's Home would benefit these children......and god has shown me "you have a patient, warm and loving heart". For I believe alot of the children here need to see that there are people who will give them an ear to express themselves, a arm to cry on if needed and time! They also need to see that others believe in them.Once they see these things, a seed will be planted and as the days, months and years pass by......I pray they will grow like wild fire!

Everyday, I have to remind myself, "Nicole you must focus on your purpose of being there- work with the kids and provide a fresh eye on legislation and the running of the children's home "group homes. Even if you do not see change before your departure, know that the seed has been planted and god has the power to shift things and to change things according to his will. So my work here at Saint Dominc's Children's Home will not be in vein". 

There was a reason the door open to come Saint Dominc's Children's Home, and I will continue to walk through the door with a learning mind. I will embrace the challenging days; will continue to shower the kids with love; and continue to tell the lord "Use me lord, here I am"! 

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