Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Leadth Me Beside the Still Waters

I cannot believe week three has already approached! Before my arrival in Trinidad and Tobago, I ask the lord to allow me (1) see things as he would have me see them (2) have me hear things as he would have me to hear them and (3) shine his light through me, so others can see it. Now that I am walking along the pavement every morning, I tend to pray that the lord will allow me to plant the seeds. Not just any seed, but seeds of harvesting fruit, change, hope, peace, love, and most importantly - there is a separation between the past trauma and the future. Too often, I am seeing kids stuck in their past! This often causes the inability to move beyond that point and enter a whirlwind of self destruction. What is the solution? I would have to say - meeting the children where they are at; helping them to own their story , helping them to realize their not to blame for what others have inflicted upon them; and most importantly - allow them to exercise their "VOICE". If those around them are unable to help kids achieve these key components, they will not be successful upon discharge - into society (aging out of the system, reuniting with parent (s) or guardian. That is why its critical for those coming into the child welfare field, to engage with the youth, help the youth know they are special and ensure them - " I will not give up on you". Too often, I hear youth say "I should have stayed in my abusive home. Because the foster system is just as damaging". This breaks my heart and this needs to be changed! If it doesn't, the youth will never heal but die inside. We owe our kids more than this. And I for one, have promised god to do all I bring about CHANGE! After all, god did not bring me out of a dark tunnel for nothing. He knew I could be the missing piece of the puzzle to make children in need.

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