Saturday, January 21, 2012

Who would have thought?

Who would have thought? I never would have thought my trauma childhood and early adulthood would grant me the ability to experience a day overseas. As many are aware, I grew up in an abusive home, with abusive parents who could care less about my safety or happiness. All they cared about, was hurting a child who couldn't stand up for herself! Little did they know, all the pain I endured by their hands only set me up for greater things. Trinidad and Trinidad is only one of those praise reports.

Once I began facing my past, and freed myself from a domestic violence marriage.....I was able to begin seeing gods calling over my life. Who would have thought that calling would take me back to - foster care world? I hated everything foster care stood for! But then again, who would be a better advocate for the thousands of children currently being served in Florida's foster care system?

I guess god knew he couldn't leave it up to me! And that is why he opened the doors, directed my foot steps and sent people along the way.....that would lay the foundation of missionary, social worker and advocate. Who would have thought? Surely not me! God continually reminds me, I know the plans I have for you Nicole. I knew you before you came out of your mothers womb. These two reminders make me understand how those not so pleasant traumatic expressions only molded me to do greater things and be a stronger and resilient person.

This time last year, I would have never thought international social work would be my calling, but much to my surprise, a door opened to travel Czech Republic. That trip was just a taste of the international world. And I loved it! Who would have thought? I didn't! But god must have believed in me and knew my heart would only burn deeper to become an international advocate! Because, he already allowed me to become a local, state, and national foster care advocate.....but that wasn't enough. He needed me on an international level. Who would have thought? 

Now, I am completing my graduate practicum at Saint Dominic's Children's Home in Trinidad and Tobago. I have been here for two in a half months and have another three in a half months to go. It has already been placed on my heart to extend my internship for an additional two months. Why? Because alot of work needs to be done! Since my arrival at the Children's Home, I have already (1) created a life skills workbook (2) "Change Your Thoughts and Emotions" workbook for individual sessions (3) Drafted Transitional Discharge Plan document for youth aging out of the home (4) Supervising the boys residing with (Saint Joseph Home) and (5) Court Shadowing.

Next week, I am looking forward to (1) supervising a family visitation (2) sharing my story with the off-site transitional boys home (3) making recommendations on the homes Policy Manual.

I am truly grateful for this experience and looking forward to seeing how the rest of this practicum unfolds! Again I ask, who would have thought?

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