Friday, December 30, 2011

Ultimate Purpose

You would have never known the person in this picture was a survivor of sexual and physical abuse. These acts were committed by her biological father or ex-husband. But it happened! One would think she would never be able to enjoy life or be resilient and show her abusers, I WIN! Why? Because I have taken my abuse, pain, trauma and anger and used it to serve god. To me, my life serves as a divine mission to help other children and women who are victims of abuse to prosper and give them a chance of hope. I believe my childhood trauma created a strong women who is full of strength, compassion and love. A love that man could never give or teach me. It was taught by god.

I often wonder how a women who was hurt and taken advantage of, can show the world what love is, by smiling and giving every ounce of her breath to try and change the world. That is why I get up every morning and ask god, how will you use me today?

I believe god has set me free over the years and help me to heal from all that pain and anger. By doing so, it allows my light to shine and help other children who are trapped in the same darkness I was in, to find a personal salvation. That is why I am excited to see how god will use me in Trinidad and all I can say is, "use me lord"!

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