Thursday, December 29, 2011

Leaping across the seas

Today, I realize my departure to Trinidad is less than a week away. I just remembered the hustle and bustle it took for me to plan this trip, submit my application for independent studies and get approved for the placement with the sister from Saint Dominic's Children's Home and attending field placement orientation on my birthday. Now, the trip is knocking on my front door and before I know it, it will be time to board American Airlines flight and less than five hours, I will land in an unfamiliar environment and meet a whole new side of the world. Am I ready? As ready as one could ever be , when you go on a new job, when you meet an old friend, when you become a parent to your new bundle of joy and when you tell the lord " Yes Lord to Your Will and To Your Way". That's how ready I am to venture off and learn new things, meet new people, learn a new culture and learn the child welfare system in the dynamic and colorful Trinidad and Tobago lands. I promised myself and the lord, I will embrace every new experience each and everyday of the 16 weeks I am there! Stay tune for new post, pictures, and stories I will share with you while in Trinidad. Keep me lifted before the lord and know your support is golden to me!


  1. Looking forward in reading many more entries as you grow, explore and experience life outside the US while also giving your time and love through compassion to help children in need. It will not only greatly impact the lives of those children, it will impact you as well. Keep us updated as I will be following along :)

  2. Nikki...thank you for your continues support and encouragement through this journey! Right now I feel so blessed that god selected me to go complete this assignment! It shows how much he trust me :) its going be even more rushing when I hit foot on their sole. As my Pastor always says to me .... go posses the land!
