Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Little Things That Make Me Smile

Good morning everyone! Can you believe it, I have been working and doing missionary work in Trinidad and Tobago for over a month in a half (almost two months). Over the course of my time, you all have kept tabs on my facebook post and pictures. If you haven't don't worry, because there are more to come LOL!

I must say, The Little Things That Make Me Smile are:

(1) being able to see how god is using me
(2) getting closer to god
(3) seeing that others in the states, are being blessed by this journey
(4) able to sow the seed of love to these kids
(5) getting hugs from the kids on valentines day and two kisses (one of my boys and one of the girls shared my story to last week)
(6) little kids on the compound (I don't work with) always saying Hi Mrs. Nicole
(7) able to pray with the kids during group sessions
(8) the boys reside with - always tend to find my hiding place

These little things may not seem a BIG deal, but they are! It shows they're use to me being around now and trust me. So I smile bright everyday, when walking around the compound and seeing their little faces.

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