Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Let Your Light Shine

Miss can I look at the pictures in your phone? Of course I responded "sure". As one of my "children" view the pictures in the cell phone, she stops at this one and laughs. I asked her "do you like this one"? And she says "Yes Miss, I do. Can you print this picture out for me"? So of course I say yes!

It is a blessing to know, we can minister to others in simple ways and not realize it! So, I printed a copy for her to keep and I pray she will look at it daily! Especially when she has a bad day or feels sad, angry or mad! This picture in it self can give her hope in the midst of her current storms.

Today counts sixty days, since I've been working with these children. A dear friend of mine said, "You remind me of Father Abraham of many sons. When I think about it, I see you having many children. You will have so many children you have blessed and you will not know". It blessed my heart and made me want to shead a few tears of joy. Because I never do this work to be rewarded or praised, but I do it unto the lord! And when someone can see that in me, that means my light is shining so bright, I need to wear some SHADES :)

With two in a half months remaining, I pray that the lord will make my light shine so bright, these kids will never forget about me or the god inside of me!

Be blessed everyone and thank you for your prayers and support!

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