Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Daily Growth In Ministry

On my fifty three day here in Trinidad and Tobago, I was greeted this morning by this little fella. One of the boys captured him with a box and setting him free within the woods. I couldn't believe my eyes! I have never seen a green iguana outside of the zoo, LOL!

This just proved to me, "you never know what to expect, when your growing daily in ministry". What is your ministry? I knew my ministry consisted of showing love, forgiveness, hope, joy and sharing the message of god to children who are hurting. I never knew it would be on this level though. I believe God uses every part of our journey (good and bad events) to show others, "this is my master piece". I pray every day, children and people all over the world will continue to see God work in me and desire to obtain the same thing!

This morning, I was reading II Timothy 4:5, and God showed me, "Nicole this is what you are to do on a daily bases - be calm and cool and steady, accept and suffer unflinchingly every hardship, do the work of an evangelist and fully perform all the duties of your ministry". 

This trip has also shown me, even when I think "I'm teaching or being a blessing to these children in Children's Home; they are actually teaching me and blessing me in more than one way".  Who even knows if they will ever realize this fact! I also believe I needed this missionary trip to help me grow in greater ways and to take me on a DEEPER level and relationship with god, before he takes me on a GREATER assignment. Who knows, it may go beyond being a foster mother. Either way it goes, I'm ready!

Next week , Friday 2nd of February 2012, I will have been in Trinidad and Tobago for one month. Can you believe it?

Stay blessed everyone and thank you for your continues support and prayers.

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