Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Let Your Light Shine

Miss can I look at the pictures in your phone? Of course I responded "sure". As one of my "children" view the pictures in the cell phone, she stops at this one and laughs. I asked her "do you like this one"? And she says "Yes Miss, I do. Can you print this picture out for me"? So of course I say yes!

It is a blessing to know, we can minister to others in simple ways and not realize it! So, I printed a copy for her to keep and I pray she will look at it daily! Especially when she has a bad day or feels sad, angry or mad! This picture in it self can give her hope in the midst of her current storms.

Today counts sixty days, since I've been working with these children. A dear friend of mine said, "You remind me of Father Abraham of many sons. When I think about it, I see you having many children. You will have so many children you have blessed and you will not know". It blessed my heart and made me want to shead a few tears of joy. Because I never do this work to be rewarded or praised, but I do it unto the lord! And when someone can see that in me, that means my light is shining so bright, I need to wear some SHADES :)

With two in a half months remaining, I pray that the lord will make my light shine so bright, these kids will never forget about me or the god inside of me!

Be blessed everyone and thank you for your prayers and support!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Daily Growth In Ministry

On my fifty three day here in Trinidad and Tobago, I was greeted this morning by this little fella. One of the boys captured him with a box and setting him free within the woods. I couldn't believe my eyes! I have never seen a green iguana outside of the zoo, LOL!

This just proved to me, "you never know what to expect, when your growing daily in ministry". What is your ministry? I knew my ministry consisted of showing love, forgiveness, hope, joy and sharing the message of god to children who are hurting. I never knew it would be on this level though. I believe God uses every part of our journey (good and bad events) to show others, "this is my master piece". I pray every day, children and people all over the world will continue to see God work in me and desire to obtain the same thing!

This morning, I was reading II Timothy 4:5, and God showed me, "Nicole this is what you are to do on a daily bases - be calm and cool and steady, accept and suffer unflinchingly every hardship, do the work of an evangelist and fully perform all the duties of your ministry". 

This trip has also shown me, even when I think "I'm teaching or being a blessing to these children in Children's Home; they are actually teaching me and blessing me in more than one way".  Who even knows if they will ever realize this fact! I also believe I needed this missionary trip to help me grow in greater ways and to take me on a DEEPER level and relationship with god, before he takes me on a GREATER assignment. Who knows, it may go beyond being a foster mother. Either way it goes, I'm ready!

Next week , Friday 2nd of February 2012, I will have been in Trinidad and Tobago for one month. Can you believe it?

Stay blessed everyone and thank you for your continues support and prayers.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Little Things That Make Me Smile

Good morning everyone! Can you believe it, I have been working and doing missionary work in Trinidad and Tobago for over a month in a half (almost two months). Over the course of my time, you all have kept tabs on my facebook post and pictures. If you haven't don't worry, because there are more to come LOL!

I must say, The Little Things That Make Me Smile are:

(1) being able to see how god is using me
(2) getting closer to god
(3) seeing that others in the states, are being blessed by this journey
(4) able to sow the seed of love to these kids
(5) getting hugs from the kids on valentines day and two kisses (one of my boys and one of the girls shared my story to last week)
(6) little kids on the compound (I don't work with) always saying Hi Mrs. Nicole
(7) able to pray with the kids during group sessions
(8) the boys reside with - always tend to find my hiding place

These little things may not seem a BIG deal, but they are! It shows they're use to me being around now and trust me. So I smile bright everyday, when walking around the compound and seeing their little faces.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Be careful what you request from god

Today marks thirty-seven days since my arrival to Trinidad and Tobago. Now that I've been with the children for sometime here at Saint Dominic's Children's Home, one could say "I've been stretched, pressed, and tested for god's usage"! But that is to be expected right?

Before arriving to the children's home, I was talking with god and said " lord you sending me to do your work. Please use me where you need me most. Please help me to make a difference. Please help me to show these children what love looks like. Please help me to show these children and people what forgiveness and healing looks like. Because your the only one that can show them!" Someone once told me, " be careful what you ask god for, because he will give it to you". Often we don't think about the important factor, "we don't know what to do with our desires - when they land before our feet"! 

Now that I am in the heart of my placement for graduate school, I've realized, this is a missionary trip! Why? On the surface, I'm completed the uniquely tailored assignments but daily working on building the kingdom of god here. How? Through my ministering to the children and with the staff. My placement here, was not a mistake. People keep telling me, " this assignment was made for you and only you. God chose you for this assignment, before you even found out FSU had a international field placement program. And he had you encounter all the trauma you faced during your life's journey; so you can help these children. What better person to do it, Nicole". 

Daily, I think about these things and it amazes me how god keeps dropping things on my lap; and he wont stop. The other night, I was writing in my journal and was jotting down how many projects I'm involved in. Here goes:

1) Life Skills Workshops
2) Case Management - three clients
3) In-Service Training's for on-site and off-site caregivers
4) Home Policy Manual Development
5) Life Skills Assessment Development and Implemented
6) Speaking Engagements ( Sharing my testimony)
7) Development of workshops for youth (i.e. sibling rivalry, trauma and loss, importance of relationships, owning your past, and etc.)

Your head is probably already spinning!!!!!! But it doesn't stop there. I was asked to help this young American fella who, was adopted by a Trinidadian family. He wants to find his mother in the states. The adoptive parents are seeking my help to prepare them for this journey. I have to allow god to help me prepare the family and fella from positive and negative outcomes.

Then this church I've been visiting since my arrival, is having a young women conference. During this conference, an American christian social worker will be coming to conduct the speaking and talk about issues women face and talk about the importance of healing from our trauma. Afterwards, the group will be going to a local hospital and ministering to the patients. I am thinking about joining them.

I realize god has sent me to do a mighty work. And the crazy thing is, I will be here until May 26th. So who knows what else god will lay on my lap.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Can't Leave God Out

Yesterday, I was called "Jumpy Happy Spirit" because I'm always happy and love to talk about god through my work. How could I leave god out? He has been too GOOD to me. And this internship was just provided entry into what he wanted me to do "Missionary Work". He knew I wouldn't put up a fight because I love sharing how god has kept me over the years, through the good and the bad. But hey, it made Nicole who she apple in gods eyes! He knew he could trust me to do his work and not run away on the next flight to the states. That is why time has flown by! With in my one month of being in Trinidad and Tobago, I have become passionate about building the kingdom of god and will do it at all cost! Cost of giving children hope; cost at giving children love; cost at given children a smile; cost at sharing how great god is and he loves them; cost of helping children heal from their trauma and most importantly "COST OF DEVELOPING A PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS CHRIST".

Once, my pastor told me " Don't blame your parents for not being able to take care of you based on their foundation of parenthood. Because they were never taught how to be parents. Especially the one you needed. That is why god rebuilt your foundation and you have such a desire to save children". I am grateful to know that even though I may not have a relationship with my parents, god is my mother and father. So, in other words - he has all I need! And I am not ashamed to share my love with other children in need of someone to love them for them and not judge or reject them!

Everyday, while I have been here......I wake up asking god to use me up! Every once of me! Why? Because I know he didn't send me here just to do field placement but to leave this place shake up forthe glory of  god. And for me to become stronger on a natural and spiritual level".