Thursday, April 26, 2012

Leaving Your Mark


Hi everyone. Today, marks my fourth month of being in Trinidad and Tobago! Can you believe it? I can't! Before arriving here, I remember doubting my abilities to handle this field placement. BUT as usual, god has painted a bigger picture for me ONCE AGAIN!

Last week, my field placement was completed. My field supervisor wrote on my field placement evaluation "Nicole has been able to practice theory (i.e. action research project and during her counseling sessions). It has been a pleasure working with her, because she has so much to offer the child welfare world". She rated my work as "above average level" and told me "Nicole, god has truly used you in Trinidad and allowed you to place your mark here. These children will NEVER forget you. Especially because you gave them an opportunity to share their stories".

I must say, now that I'm solely doing missionary work, I can focus on completing the "Helping Children Find Their Voice in Institutional Care"! The video launching will be on May 7, 2012. The children are excited and keep asking me, "Miss Nicole, when will we see the video? I can't wait to see it and the staff too. Maybe they will treat us with love MORE often".

You know, this placement has shown me how god works in mysteries ways! I told my field supervisor, "I never thought I would be producing a video. Especially a video that will be used BEYOND my imagination". Just today, I found out the 2012 Children's Authority Act of Trinidad and Tobago was passed last night! You know what that means? I am apart of history because, I made recommendations towards the legislation. Representatives from the Children's Authority Head Office visited The Home today and they were pleased with the children's "My Story" display board. One of the officers stated they will be in attendance of my video launch and will be inviting ALL of the Children's Authority Office.

So often, we can be small minded. But this project has shown me, "if only we can think BIG and stop limiting ourselves". Then again, the mind could never comprehend what god is cooking up in our lives!

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