Friday, March 30, 2012

Who Am I?

Almost embarking on my third month studying and working at Saint Dominic's Children's Home, I 

have assumed so many roles and not realized it until this evening 

  • advocate
  • counselor
  • case manager
  • teacher
  • analyst/evaluator
  • mediator
  • facilitator
  • negotiator
  • broker 
  • enabler  
Lets not forget an ambassador for the kingdom of god. For I continually am reminded that god chose 
me to be here, NOT me! Because I have been so caught up in my daily work and ministry, I have not denied or refused any of the stated roles provided to the children. Its amazing to be able to be used by god in such depth. Now that I have extended my time here (until May 26th), the roles will not stop developing nor the love I have to offer in reach role. Looking forward to sowing more seeds, teaching more skills, developing and producing "Helping Children/Caregiver's Find Their Voice In Institutional Care", having the children create "My Story" postcard art project and "Stop Child Abuse" in honor of April Child Abuse Awareness Month. 

While working in social worker, we are taught to prepare for termination with our clients. I wonder, how easy it will be for me to terminate my work with the children, caregivers and the organization. 
Despite having to depart in two months, I know my heart will always be apart of the children, the home and the country. 

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